Quiet Hiring Trend in 2023: What You Need to Know


12 April 2023

In recent years, quiet hiring has become increasingly popular among companies seeking the best candidates in a more discreet manner.

According to a survey conducted by HR Daily Advisor in 2019, about 57% of respondents stated that their companies use quiet hiring as part of their recruitment strategy. Of those who use quiet hiring, about 70% stated that they do so to obtain higher quality candidates.

5 Things You Need to Know about the Quiet Hiring Trend

It is predicted that 2023 will further strengthen the quiet hiring trend. Here are some things you need to know about quiet hiring:

1. What is Quiet Hiring?

Quiet hiring is a strategy used by companies to acquire new skills without hiring new employees. This means improving the skills of existing employees and moving them into new roles/positions that match the business needs.

2. Factors Driving the Quiet Hiring Trend

Quiet hiring is becoming increasingly popular among companies seeking new skills without having to recruit new employees. This is due to several factors, including:

  • increased competition in the job market,

  • high costs of recruiting and training new employees,

  • rapid changes in technology and business that require companies to have new skills continuously.

3. The Importance of Communication

It is important to maintain open communication with employees. In quiet hiring, employees who are promoted should be given clear information about their new roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This will help them prepare and adjust to their new roles.

4. Pros & Cons of Quiet Hiring

According to a survey by Monster,

• 63% of employees see quiet hiring as an opportunity to learn new skills,

• 19% are open to taking on new roles/positions as long as they are temporary,

• other 15% are not open to quiet hiring because it is not the role/position they agreed to before.

Additionally, some believe that quiet hiring can trigger employee exploitation if not managed well. Employees who are moved to new roles or given additional responsibilities without appropriate compensation may feel exploited by the company.

5. Successful Large Companies That Have Adopted Quiet Hiring

Several leading companies have successfully adopted quiet hiring strategies. For example, the world's largest technology company, Google, often relies on contractors to fill temporary vacancies or projects that require specific expertise.

Additionally, Adobe, a technology company, has also adopted quiet hiring to fill technical vacancies without having to recruit new employees. They also offer training and career development to existing employees to meet new needs.

Mindtera, an analytic platform and employee consulting to improve effectiveness, productivity, and well-being

In the constantly evolving world of work, companies must be able to adapt quickly to meet their needs. Quiet hiring strategies can be an effective solution for acquiring new skills and saving costs in the long term. However, companies must also consider the needs of their employees and find ways to prioritize their well-being in the process.

Mindtera as an analytics platform and employee consultation is here to help leaders and organizations build a sustainable workforce to achieve 100% good well-being, 100% workforce productivity, and 100% manpower efficiency.

Mindtera encourages the improvement of employees' emotional and social intelligence, in line with SDGs and ESG initiatives, using neuroscience-based metrics, internationally certified expert coaching, and an Employee Assistant Platform (EAP) to support the improvement of work quality and the lives of 143 million workers in Indonesia. Learn more about how Mindtera can #EmpowerPeople in your workplace.

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Diskusi bersama Tim Kami!

Kami membantu organisasi memecahkan masalah yang paling mendesak. Gunakan opsi berikut untuk menghubungi tim kami agar dapat lebih memahami kebutuhan organisasi Anda.

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Kami membantu organisasi memecahkan masalah yang paling mendesak. Gunakan opsi berikut untuk menghubungi tim kami agar dapat lebih memahami kebutuhan organisasi Anda.

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